Oct 27, 2007


Update new version 11/6/08
My sister-in-law asked me to take a picture for her of the Salt Lake Temple (where she was married) that was different from other temple pictures. (Click here to see a picture of the finished photograph framed and hung on her wall.) The only day I could go up there just happened to be a day when 50 people were getting married. I had a hard time finding the shot I wanted because people were in every shot. I eventually found this area of the temple that did not have as many visitors. I really liked the lines and the simplicity--the stairs leading into the temple, with just the lip of the doorway showing, and the symbolism of the three windows going up.


mistyp said...

That's a great picture!

Anonymous said...

I would have never noticed that the windows asended up.

Rena said...

Love this shot of the temple-very unique but obvious where it is. Love the title also.
(PS-I'm Jenn's Aunt LaRene disguised under the name of Rena if you didn't recognize me)